This is a short tutorial which demonstrates the functionality of ThermoPot (v1.1.0-beta.1). This considers reactions for the Ba-Zr-S system.
We will use ThermoPot to calculate the change in Gibbs free energy for a reaction, at a range of temperature and pressures. We will identify at which temperatures and pressures (if any) the perovskite BaZrS$_3$ decomposes into it's competing binary phases, BaS and ZrS2.
To do these calculations we need the total ground-state energy of each material, calculated using DFT or elsewise. For predictions at finite temperature and pressure we need, in addition, vibrational data for each material. For solid materials this can also be calculated from first-principles using lattice dynamics.
For gaseous compounds experimental data can be used. For Sulfur there is, in addition, a parameterised mathematical which is valid between 100-1400K and 1-10$^7$Pa. Vapours are not explored in this tutorial, but there are several examples in a notebook in this repository.
Code structureĀ¶
There are three core classes in ThermoPot:
Calculation to store data for a single calculation. For example, an energy calculated using the HSE06 functional
Material to store data and make predictions for a single material. For example BaZrS$_3$, with energies calculated at various levels of theory.
Reaction to store data and make predictions for a single chemical reaction. For example BaZrS$_3$ -> BaS$_2$ + ZrS
The structure is hierachial; one or more Calculation
instances are used to
build a Material
instance, and one or more Material
objects are used to
calculate a Reaction
instance. In addition to this there are is the
class to store and plot a single thermodynamic potential, and
the Potentials
class to store and plot multiple thermodynamic potentials.
Step 1 - import relevant librariesĀ¶
import numpy as np
from thermopot import calculations, materials, reactions, potentials
Step 2 - create calculations
There are two ways to create a Calculations
Manually input the attributes (calculated energy, xc-functional type, volume, number of atoms).
Parse a FHI-aims output file to read this data automatically. Provide the path for an
We will provide an example for each which uses the vars
function to show that the class attributes are equal.
# Method 1
BaS_calc = calculations.Calculation(volume=63.2552,energy=-235926.586148547,
{'volume': 63.2552, 'filepath': None, 'energy': -235926.586148547, 'xc': 'pbesol', 'NAtoms': 2}
# Method 2
BaS_calc = calculations.AimsCalculation("./data/BaS/aims.out")
{'volume': 63.2552, 'filepath': './docs/data/BaS/aims.out', 'energy': -235926.58614863, 'xc': 'pbesol', 'NAtoms': 2}
For in-notebook help with functions, docstrings can be accessed with a ?
to trigger the docstring for the class. Alternatively, a Python help()
function can be used. Feel free to use this for any object to fimilarise yourself with the internal workings of the code.
Help on class AimsCalculation in module thermopot.calculations: class AimsCalculation(Calculation) | AimsCalculation(filepath='./calculation.out', gas=False) | | Class for parsing and storing data from a FHI-AIMS total energy calculation. | | Example: | | BaS_calc = AimsCalculation("./aims_output/output.aims") | | Attributes: | | volume (float): volume of the periodic unit cell in Angstrom^3 | filepath (str): path to the calculation output files | energy (float): DFT total energy in eV | xc (str): XC functional used to calculate the total energy | NAtoms (int): number of atoms in the periodic unit cell | | Method resolution order: | AimsCalculation | Calculation | builtins.object | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, filepath='./calculation.out', gas=False) | Args: | | filepath (str): path to the calculation output files | gas (bool): True if gas species, False otherwise | | Note: | | If gas is True then volume is None | | get_NAtoms(self) | Returns: | | (int): number of atoms in the periodic unit cell | | get_energy(self) | Returns: | | (float): DFT total energy in eV | | get_volume(self) | Returns: | | (float): volume of the periodic unit cell in Angstrom^3 | | get_xc(self) | Returns: | | (str): XC functional used to calculate the total energy | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from Calculation: | | check_attributes(self) | Check that the Calculation class attributes make basic sense. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from Calculation: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined)
We will now read in the calculations for the other compounds.
BaZrS3_calc = calculations.AimsCalculation("./data/BaZrS3/aims.out")
ZrS2_calc = calculations.AimsCalculation("./data/ZrS2/aims.out")
Step 3 - create materials
The attributes (name, stoichiometry, filepath of ) of a materials.Solid
has to be stored in a variable.
BaZrS3 = materials.Solid('BaZrS3',{"Ba":1,"Zr":1,"S":3},"./data/BaZrS3/BaZrS3_Pnma.dat", BaZrS3_calc)
BaS = materials.Solid('BaS',{"Ba":1,"S":1},"./data/BaS/BaS_Fm-3m.dat", BaS_calc)
ZrS2 = materials.Solid('ZrS2',{"Zr":1,"S":2},"./data/ZrS2/ZrS2_P-3m1.dat", ZrS2_calc)
{'name': 'BaZrS3', 'stoichiometry': {'Ba': 1, 'Zr': 1, 'S': 3}, 'energies': {'pbesol': -1425527.242293353}, 'N': 5, 'volume': 484.624, 'NAtoms': 20, 'fu_cell': 4.0, 'phonon_filepath': '/Users/mynf8/Repos/ThermoPot/./docs/data/BaZrS3/BaZrS3_Pnma.dat'}
In addition, each materials has a number of thermodynamic properties (gibbs, helmholtz, internal, heat capacity) which can be calculated using the associated method. For example, the gibbs free energy of BaZrS3 at room temperature and one bar is:
Step 4 - define a reaction
We model the combination or decomposition of materials
with the reaction
class where the formula unit of reactants and products are specified so as to maintain mass balance.
perovskite_degradation = reactions.Reaction({BaZrS3:1}, {BaS:1,ZrS2:1})
{'reactants': {<thermopot.materials.Solid at 0x7fc22ab779a0>: 1}, 'products': {<thermopot.materials.Solid at 0x7fc22ab767a0>: 1, <thermopot.materials.Solid at 0x7fc22ab757e0>: 1}, 'T': 298.15, 'P': 100000.0, 'fu_scaling': 1}
Step 5 - calculate the potential
The first thing we do is decide what temperature range and pressure range we are interested in. Note that the pressure array is transposed to allow for numpy broadcasting.
T = np.linspace(100, 1000, 100)
P = np.array(np.logspace(1, 7, 100), ndmin=2).transpose()
We can now calculate a range of thermodynamic potentials (gibbs, helmholtz, internal, ground-state) which are accessed from a reaction
instance. For example, the Gibbs free energy of degradation is:
gibbs = perovskite_degradation.Dmu(T,P)
array([[0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403], [0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403], [0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403], ..., [0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403], [0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403], [0.48560878, 0.48627862, 0.48697174, ..., 0.56222696, 0.56302549, 0.56382403]])
is an instance of the potential
class, which has a number of methods and instance variables associated with it.
Step 6 - visualise your potential
A simple contour plot of potential
across the temperature and pressure variables specified can be generated.
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/Users/mynf8/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py'>
Note that plot_TvsP()
returns a matplotlib.pyplot.plt
object so that it easy to adjust the plot.
plt = gibbs.plot_TvsP()
(400.0, 800.0)